Lawn Rejuvenation

Let  Your Lawn Breathe and Drink!

Elm City Aeration

Have you ever seen lawns littered with hundreds of brown plugs spaced evenly every few inches? Unless the property is home to dozens of dogs compulsive about placing their droppings but not about cleaning them up, the lawn has likely been aerated with a special machine that pokes holes and extracts/expels soil plugs. This aeration procedure lets oxygen get to the roots of the grass so the lawn can “breathe.” Fertilizers, nutrients, and water reach the roots better, too, allowing the lawn to grow stronger. If needed, aeration is done in the fall, and your lawn will thank you.

Does your lawn have thin spots where grass just isn’t growing well? Slit seeding might be the answer. The process gets its name because small grooves are cut in the soil as grass seeds are dropped around the slits, thereby providing better seed-to-soil contact for grass growing and lawn thickening. Like aeration, slit seeding is best done in the fall. Just ask SMLandscaping for an estimate.