Lawn Fertilization

Our 5+ Step Process

You’ve never had lawncare like this!

First Visit (Early Spring: mid-March to late April)

This application is granular, and serves to prevent crabgrass from germinating later in the summer.  Also, it contains a slow-release fertilizer to help establish a thick lawn when your lawn comes out of dormancy once the warmer spring weather arrives.

  • Expect: A greener lawn once it starts to grow, reduced or no crabgrass, season-long prevention of annoying grasses (e.g., crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail, dallisgrass, Poa annua, etc.)
  • Don’t Expect: This treatment will not control or kill any existing weeds
  • Avoid: Do not sow grass seed 3 weeks prior to application or 8 weeks afterward, Do not aerate/puncture/till lawn until late Aug/Sept

Second Visit (mid-spring, typically May)

This application is both liquid and granular, and it serves to control the more broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions, plantain, and clover – which are present in the lawn at the time of application.

  • Expect: Dying weeds within 4 days, most dead within 14 days, reduced or no crabgrass
  • Don’t Expect: This will not kill weeds that germinate after the application. However, these will be treated at the next application
  • Avoid: Keep off lawn (including pets) until dry, typically about an hour after the application. Do not mow for 48 hours; do not aerate/puncture/till lawn until late Aug/Sept

Third Visit (early summer, typically June)

This application is granular (grub control) and liquid (weed control). It prevents grubs (the larvae stage of many types of beetles) from damaging your lawn later in the summer and fall. We also spot-treat areas with significant weeds for visible broadleaf weeds that have germinated since the previous visit.

  • Expect: Dying weeds within 4 days, most dead within 14, The small amount of fertilizer in this application will help your lawn as the hot days of summer approach and you should not see any grub damage later on
  • Don’t Expect: Will not kill weeds that germinate after the application; these will be treated at the next application

Fourth Visit(late summer, typically early September)

This application is liquid. It controls broadleaf weeds like dandelion, plantain, and clover that are present in the lawn at the time of application.

  • Expect: Dying weeds within 4 days, most dead within 14. The fertilizer in this application gives your lawn another boost of vigor
  • Don’t Expect: Will not control weeds that germinate later on
  • Avoid: Keep off lawn (pets, too) until dry, typically about an hour after the application. Do not mow for 48 hours

 Fifth visit (Autumn, typically late September/early October)

This application is granular. It helps to revitalize your lawn from the hot summer and gives your lawn the necessary elements to strengthen it, including the roots, for the winter months.

  • What to expect: Thicker, greener lawn after a few weeks if there has been enough rain to activate the application
  • What not to expect: No spot treatment for weeds unless there are areas that have significant amounts of weeds

On Demand Fertilization

We highly recommend our five-step program because it’s more efficient and effective in the long term. Even so, we also offer occasional fertilization based on your site conditions and budget.
